2022 Marketing Trends And Why You Should Follow Them

Social media marketing

 As we mentioned earlier, social media is one of the most important parts of any successful video marketing strategy. Creating videos that appeal to your audience is more than just having an interesting voice, it’s about having fun while you are filming your content and keeping them engaged during playback.

The best way to ensure that happens is by investing in some good camera equipment. We recommend staying within budget, but making sure you have enough room for all your gear before buying anything too expensive.

Another key piece of equipment is a computer or laptop with decent graphics capabilities and enough memory to easily handle all the settings and features needed to edit your videos. Some people even use two laptops so they do not need to carry both around at once!

If you are looking to take your YouTube channel to the next level then these are essential pieces of gear to invest in. Luckily, there are many affordable options out there that do not cost a lot to start off with.

YouTube marketing

A lot of people make fun of people who use social media to market products, but it is definitely not funny how popular this medium has become! With over 2 billion users, there is a large audience that you can target for your business or product.

YouTube is a great way to promote yourself or a company. There are many ways to do so, some more creative than others. Creating an account is free, so there is no cost aside from time spent creating content and promoting the channel.

Since most people surf through YouTube using their phone or computer, doing something promotional will attract attention. Starting a video series is one of the best ways to get started as you could be making money with little effort.

The number one tip I have for anyone trying to grow their online presence is to create quality content. If what you are posting does not seem interesting nor you, then nobody else will watch it.

People will quickly learn about you and your business by looking at your posts, browsing your accounts, and talking to other members. How well you manage your followers and fans will also influence the growth of your brand.

Email marketing

One of the most important parts of any business is its communication channel, and email is one of the biggest. Businesses rely heavily on it to stay in contact with their customers, promote products, give updates, and strengthen ties.

It’s no surprise then that almost every major company you know about either started off as an email marketing brand or has at least incorporated some type of email marketing into their strategy.

That includes big companies like Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Apple! All of these businesses have made significant profits by creating an audience base via emails and advertisements.

But what if I tell you there are even more ways to use emails for your business? And what if we mentioned they’re totally free?!

Here are eight ways video can be used through your own email account to help grow your business. Check out all eight here!

Visual content marketing

Even though social media has become a large part of our daily lives, listening to music is still one of the top ways to enjoy yourself. Music can be motivating, calming, or inspiring, so it’s always in style!

Music can influence how people feel and what they do, which makes it an integral part of advertising. According to research done by Nielsen, 90% of ads are consumed completely visually, making visuals a crucial piece for advertisers trying to reach their target audience.

With that said, musicians have been producing engaging, motivational songs for years now, so why not use this knowledge to help you market your business? If you’re already offering other forms of content (blog posts, podcasts, etc.), then adding some video content to your mix will make your messages more interesting.

What about using these videos as advertisements? Creating a YouTube channel is a great way to start doing this. By sharing your own experiences, lessons, and products, you can attract new followers who may find you through those channels.

That’s just a few of my reasons why incorporating some form of visual communication into your business model is important. What are yours?

Podcast marketing

With the explosion of technology, there are now several ways to get your business in front of as many people as possible. If you’re looking to grow your audience, start listening to podcasts!

Podcasting has become one of the most popular mediums for self-branding and career development. Who can’t enjoy an episode or two of The Art of Charm? Or how about some Joe Haines or Tim Ferris talk?!

Nowadays, you don’t have to be rich to launch your own podcast. There are plenty of free software and services that make it easy to produce and publish your content.

Your followers and potential customers will love being able to access your wisdom via audio. They won’t need to visit your website to read what you have to say, they can just listen!

Many brands use podcasts to promote their products through talking about them, giving tips, sharing success stories, etc. Influencers use podcasts to connect with other individuals about similar topics – very engaging!

What is not a bad way to utilize this medium either! Business owners can use podcasts to provide helpful information and advice to others, expanding their reach.

Video marketing

More and more businesses are using video as an integral part of their advertising strategy. It’s no surprise why! After all, we spend around two-thirds of our time online looking at videos and there are now just over one billion people with smartphone technology so how can you not use that data to your advantage?

With the rise in popularity of YouTube, it has become easy to create your own channel and start sharing engaging content. What makes this different from other media is that viewers will typically watch longer amounts of content through YouTube than they would, for example, reading an article or listening to an audio podcast.

This is important to note because studies show that most people are less likely to actively respond to advertisements – even if they buy something afterwards. By creating your own channel and offering helpful information or products, however, you give yourself a better chance of getting responses.

Furthermore, while advertisers currently have to focus on getting people into a shopping mood before pitching products, by adding some entertainment to your videos, your audience won’t necessarily have to feel like they need to click “buy” soon after. They may instead simply enjoy what you’ve put together and check out your website or shop later when they are in a buying mood.

There are many ways to add value to videos aside from selling goods, though. For example, you could talk about health benefits of certain foods, tips on how to do things efficiently, or how to improve

Influencer marketing

As we mentioned earlier, influencers are people with large social media followings that other individuals look up to. Their followers believe they know what products these individuals use, so it is very effective way to promote brands or products!

Influencers can really benefit your business in several ways. First, you can pick an already established influencer and pay them to mention or feature your product or service. Second, you can create your own content and invite your favorite influencer to comment on it about your product or company.

Third, you can start creating your own content and sharing it with different influencers. Some of these influencers may offer you a fee or reward for including their links in the article or video. Yours would be to buy their merchandise or services!

Last, but not least, the more popular an influencer is, the higher his or her “likes” will be. People who like their posts are likely to purchase from vendors featured in those posts. All of this adds value to your brand and helps you get exposure.

Smart marketing

As we mentioned earlier, video is almost omnipresent these days. It’s not necessarily a good thing, though. With so much content flooding our screens, how do we know if what we are watching is actually engaging and/or useful?

Fortunately, there are some major trends in online video that make it easy to identify good videos and learn from them. If you are looking to improve your YouTube channel or launch a new one, here are some tips for becoming a more savvy video marketer.

We will talk about eight key trends of video marketing that can help you hone your craft, but first let us discuss why smart marketing matters. So go ahead and take notes now!

Digital marketing campaigns

As we continue to move further into this new digital era, most big brands now use some form of video in their marketing strategies. It is not uncommon to see advertisements or commercials that contain at least one full-length movie or video!

With the explosion of online videos, people have even made it a habit to create their own YouTube channels where they can advertise for themselves or as a business. This has become very common as many people enjoy sharing what things mean to them and how to improve their lives through self-help books and motivational speeches.

Video content is also a great way to capture attention and keep an eye on your audience. People are willing to spend more time watching the average two hour length TV show than sitting through an eight minute webinar.

There you have it — just another reason why using video content in your next campaign is needed!

How to Connect Twitter Ads with Conversations

How to Connect Twitter Ads with Conversations

According to a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong, Twitter may not be the cheapest platform to market. But it is worth it when it comes to clicks, interactions, and return o investment (ROI). A social media agency Hong Kong does not doubt that Twitter marketing is worth investing in. The microblogging site yields a high level of interaction using unique advertising options. With 206 million daily active users, Twitter is also a potential video marketing platform, as a video marketing agency Hong Kong notes. Below, we have listed some of the best ways how to connect Twitter ads with conversations.


Twitter is a good platform for person-to-person networking. Twitter Events allows networking at a specific time with a large group of people. Interviews can answer questions while having fun. Live events allow brands to connect with real-time conversations. Tweet chats can be a learning and social function for small discussions. While tweet ups let businesses meet connections.


A hashtag is used to index categories, keywords, and topics on Twitter. The function is written with a pound (#) symbol and allows the Twitter nation to easily follow what they are interested in. A good hashtag can boost the presence of Twitter ads and campaigns. It allows a new audience to discover them. A catchy campaign hashtag encourages user-generated content (UGC) that can harness attention and loyalty. A hashtag is the best way to connect Twitter ads with conversations.


Polls allow brands and businesses to ask questions on Twitter. When someone retweets the poll, it spreads brand awareness. Polls can be an organic way to connect Twitter ads with conversations. Brands and businesses can use them to get the audience excited about an upcoming event. It can also be a way to discover what interests your target audience and encourage feedback. Using polls to curate industry-related discussions help discover hot topics, innovations, and interesting points.


Spaces are live audio conversations on Twitter. They are public, so anyone can join, even non-followers on Twitter. All one need to have is the link to a Space room to become a listener. Twitter Spaces is super effective in connecting Twitter ads with real-time conversations. As the audience potentially gets involved in the discussion, brands and businesses can influence their buying decisions.


Twitter has a very active audience. It is because the platform offers engaging ways to promote products and services. Amplify pre-roll ads features popular premium video content. They deliver 2.2 times favorability among brands and influence purchase intent 1.7 times as compared to a non-feed environment. Integrating them with Twitter’s video ads ensures that the right people see them at the right time. With Carousel Ads, the Twitter nation can swipe up to six edge-to-edge images or videos in a single tweet. Clicking an image or video within carousels direct them to an easy checkout without leaving the Twitter experience. Make your Twitter ads the first thing people see when they open their timeline through takeover ads. They come alongside conversation starters and trending topics. As such, they ensure that your ads are always at the forefront of any hot topic.

Reference: https://business.twitter.com/en/blog/space-playbook-connect-using-twitter-ads.html

Content Marketing Metrics to Track

GAP2207-002 Content Marketing Metrics to Track

One of the best ways to build quality content is to create them based on specific goals. According to a social media agency Hong Kong, the most common goals of content marketing today are brand awareness & loyalty, direct sales, lead generation, and website traffic. For a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong, there are several content marketing metrics to track. If brands and businesses rate well on these metrics, a video marketing agency Hong Kong ensures that they will rise up on Google’s SERP (search engine page results).

But first, let us define what a content marketing metric is. Content marketing is a strategy of creating articles, blogs, social media posts, videos, visuals, etc., to promote a brand, business, product, or service. Content marketing metrics are standard measurements showing the performance of content. It determines if the content achieves the specific goal it is designed for. This may be challenging and confusing. But the key is to pattern the numbers within industry benchmarks. To help understand how well content is doing, it is best to know the average numbers others in the industry are achieving.


These are links that connect external websites to content. They make a website matter because Google considers them as votes, making SEO a never-ending popularity contest on the Internet. But backlinks must come from relevant and reputable sources. It is because they are also a measure of a domain or page authority. Backlinks encourage readers to click away from a webpage. That is why, ideally, many content marketers suggest including only 1 or 2 backlinks for every 500-word content. What is important is to choose a link with an authority score between 50 to 60.

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is the percentage of web page visitors that leave without interacting on the page or visiting a second web page. It is a compilation of the number of visitors that:

  • Clicks on an external link
  • Clicks the back button right away
  • Closes the browser
  • Does not click another page for 30 minutes
  • Types a new URL in the browser

Bounce rate as a content marketing metric shows that content has achieved its goal. The lower the bounce rate, the better. An ideal bounce rate is around 25% to 70%.

Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is the percentage of users who take the desired action after viewing content. Its typical formula is the number of visitors who take the desired action divided by the total number of visits. Across all industries, the ideal conversion rate ranges from 3% to 25%.


CTR stands for Click Through Rate. It is the percentage of people who clicked a hypertext link on a content, directing them to a webpage. Brands and businesses should aim for at least a 30% conversion rate.

Reference: https://quuu.co/blog/content-marketing-metrics/

Social Media Checklist for Brands & Businesses

Social Media Checklist for Brands & Businesses

Today, many brands and businesses are investing more in digital ads. It means focusing heavily on social media marketing as a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong. As such, a social media agency Hong Kong suggests having a social media checklist for brands and businesses. A video marketing agency Hong Kong defines a checklist as an itemized chart of all the important tasks that marketers should accomplish to keep control of their social media marketing efforts. It can help them get things done through an established plan of tasks lineup.

Analyze Social Network Usage

The main goal of analyzing social network usage is to understand the community by mapping the following:

  • the groups or pages the target audiences follow
  • the most popular social networks for a niche
  • the time that most of the target users are online
  • the type of devices the target audiences are using  

Communication Plan

When it comes to a communication plan, the social media checklist should include the following items:

  • the best days and times to post on social media
  • the recommended posting frequency in a social media network
  • the relevant social network to use for a brand or business
  • using the right images and videos per social media platform
  • using influencer partnerships to boost conversions, engagement, interaction, and reach

Execution Plan

An execution plan should go side by side with the social media calendar. The following elements should be included under this checklist section:

  • comparing social media networks and posts
  • regular comparison and measurement of analytics
  • what are the best tools to use when posting on social media
  • when do customers react to posts

Find Product Differentiation

Product differentiation is also called Unique Selling Proposition (USP). It is the one thing that makes a brand or business better than its competitors. The following items should be included under the product differentiation section of a social media checklist:

  • define the benefit or value of the offering to customers
  • identify the uniqueness of the product or service
  • present the best customer testimonials
  • project compelling stories about the brand

Identify Your Customer

Every brand or business should never forget to identify its customers. It is the best way to segment the target audiences and boost conversion in social media posting. What’s best about social media platforms is that they provide demographics to easily accomplish the following checklist under this section:

  • age bracket
  • gender concentration
  • educational attainment
  • location work position

Set Marketing Goals

Every social media campaign should have a marketing goal or a set of marketing goals. Brands and businesses can choose the most common target in this checklist:

  • app download
  • brand or product awareness
  • customer service
  • engagement
  • increase visibility
  • lead generation
  • sales & revenues
  • website traffic


How to Build Brand Loyalty

How to Build Brand Loyalty

As a brand leader or business owner, the most important thing you will need to build in 2022 is brand loyalty. According to a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong, brand loyalty impacts repurchase rates and retention. For a social media agency Hong Kong, it refers to the overall spending power of loyal followers and how brands and businesses keep them coming back or nurture them. A video marketing agency Hong Kong puts it in simple terms as continuously offering better products and services to solve the pain points of the customers. Below, we have compiled some simple steps on how to build brand loyalty.

Always Deliver Quality and Value

Brand loyalty is simply focusing on delivering quality and value to your customers. Once a brand or business promises something, they have to fulfill that promise. Continuously publishing relevant content that offers solutions to common pain points of the customers can help them keep patronizing the product or service. They no longer need to search elsewhere as you already have the answers to their needs. So, focus on developing more products and services through innovation.

Be a Creative Problem-Solver

Modern consumers face many problems today. To set your brand or business apart, think of being a problem-solver. Research what the customers need or want. Try to innovate on the best solution. Think out of the box when it comes to customer service, payments, shipping, and other customer concerns. Make it easy for them to communicate to help them find solutions whenever and wherever.

Be Responsive

A global brand or business needs to establish an online presence 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. You cannot please everybody, even if you are trying your best to deliver quality and value. So, being responsive at all times is very important. When a customer complains, the longer you do not respond to them, the more frustrated they get. But if you are available to answer them as quickly as possible, you get the chance to turn the negative feedback into a positive outcome. Being highly responsive also ensures that the customers are getting the right information at the right time. It makes the buying experience easier and smoother.

Make A Brand Memorable

Be consistent in putting your brand or business at the front and center of every online page. Use a consistent theme to make people easily recognize and remember the brand or the business.  You can also position yourself as a thought leader by consistently posting quality content and taking part in community work. As much as possible, take a stand on positive things.

Stop Selling, Start Educating

The golden rule of marketing is posting 80 percent of educational, entertaining, and informational creatives and only 20 percent of ads and promotions. So, start educating your customer to boost brand loyalty. Modern consumers get annoyed with too many advertisements on social media. What they want to see are unique information and resources.

Reference: https://nohoartsdistrict.com/how-to-build-brand-loyalty-in-2022/

Cheat Sheet for Social Media Content Ideas

Cheat Sheet for Social Media Content Ideas

If Facebook is the king of social media, content is the king of social media posting. According to a

digital marketing speaker Hong Kong, the success of an online marketing strategy depends on the interval, quality, segmentation, and type of content that a brand or business uploads. For a social media agency Hong Kong, content build and nurture communities. While a video marketing agency Hong Kong highlights the importance of posting eye-catching content to influence viewers in their buying decisions.

But it is not that easy to create and curate posts on social media. The challenge is to keep the target audience interested but not annoyed. That is why brands and businesses need to vary the format they are posting. They also need to be creative to attract attention and stir curiosity in their audiences’ minds. Bellow, we have compilated a cheat sheet for social media content ideas.

Engagement Boosts

Here are simple ideas to boost engagement via social media content:

  • Allow the audience to fill in the blank using an unfinished statement
  • Ask a question
  • Ask help on choosing whether this or that
  • Check ideas on what the audiences would rather do
  • Comment using a GIF
  • Hold an online competition or contest
  • Initiate a poll or survey
  • Offer free downloads
  • Seek advice
  • Stir a positive controversy (when appropriate)
  • Upload short stories with many keywords (Mad Lib Style)

Expert Status

A good social media content idea is to show your expertise in an industry or niche:

  • Create industry FAQs
  • Create relevant infographics
  • Help audiences solve their problems through unique solutions
  • Publish helpful niche articles
  • Publish relevant facts, statistics, or trivia
  • Show some money-saving hacks
  • Show some time-saving tips


Stir engagement using the crowd’s favorites with these social media content ideas:

  • Collaborate with social media influencers
  • hare a quote
  • Highlight your best products and services
  • Recommend a free app or website
  • Recommend a movie or music
  • Recommend a nice book
  • Recommend software or tool
  • Show educational resources relevant to your niche
  • Show some money-saving hacks
  • Show some time-saving tips

Get Personal

Draw your audiences closer to you, your brand, or your business by getting a little bit personal:

  • Boast of your family
  • Get creative by telling the audience about your hobbies.
  • Highlight what the audiences can expect around town
  • Quote a mantra in life
  • Relax and share it with your audiences
  • Say thank you
  • Share life’s lessons
  • Share random facts about you, the brand, or the business
  • Share your current mood
  • Share your passion
  • Show personal appreciation and gratitude
  • Show the challenges you are struggling with at the moment
  • Show what’s happening behind the scene in real-life, real-time


Promote your brand, partner brands, your social media pages, and relevant pages:

  • Feature case studies, success stories, testimonials, and user-generated content (UGC)
  • Give freebies
  • Give special offers and promotions
  • Highlight your latest content or product
  • Promote your blog and newsletter
  • Repurpose evergreen content
  • Share a popular content or product
  • Share your favorite content or product
  • Share your latest blog post
  • Tell the audience what other social media pages you have


Shoutouts are messages of appreciation, congratulation, or gratitude. Here are some social media content ideas for a shout out:

  • Mention a fan
  • Mention a local business
  • Mention an influencer or partner
  • Mention the brand you love
  • Mention your most engaged fan
  • Say thank you
  • Share a memory, photo, or a post

Trending Topics

From time to time, some topics experience a surge in popularity. It will be wise for a brand or business to ride on them, as long as relevant to the industry. Here are some social media content ideas to ride the trends:

  • Highlight pop culture
  • Highlight the latest events and news
  • Remind audiences about an upcoming holiday
  • Remind everyone about a national celebration
  • Ride on relevant viral and trending posts, especially videos
  • Share a Google Alert post under the Google Discover tab


Visuals can be a GIF, images, or videos. They are a content format that seeks to attract the human eye through creativity. Today, the best social media contents are images and videos showing these categories:

  • A sneak peek of what’s happening
  • Artwork
  • Before & after
  • Behind the scene
  • Flat lay photos
  • How to use a product
  • How-to or tutorial
  • Inspirational quotes
  • Leisure activities
  • Live streaming showing an announcement or product launch
  • Memes
  • Services in action
  • Work-life balance


Start with creating a plan to determine your goal of posting on social media. While creating the marketing plan, stick to the 20/60/20 rule to build valuable relationships. It means posting 20% of fully helpful content, 60% of helpful and promotional content, and 20% of fully promotional content. Last, consistent branding in every type of content you post is the key to a brand recall.

Reference: https://bootcampdigital.com/blog/the-ultimate-social-media-content-ideas-cheat-sheet/

The 5 Key Ingredients of a Unified Brand on LinkedIn

The 5 Key Ingredients of a Unified Brand on LinkedIn

Seth Godin, a bestselling author, entrepreneur, and marketing speaker is quoted as saying: “People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories, and magic.” That is why it is important to have a unified brand.

According to a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong, a unified brand gives consistent content, stories, and theme in all its marketing efforts. It means following similar colors, designs, and visuals, together with topics focusing on a specific niche, as a video marketing agency Hong Kong notes.

For a social media agency Hong Kong, there are five key ingredients of a unified brand on LinkedIn. These are availability, bold ideas, consistency, content balance, and emotional appeal. Let us discuss how to apply them on LinkedIn marketing one by one.


unified brand means putting out a consolidated message between a company’s products and services. Effective branding on LinkedIn is very important to make them stand out from the competition. Delivering a consistent experience to LinkedIn consumers results in a positive brand reputation.

LinkedIn brands and businesses can create unified branding in different ways. A consistent color scheme, graphics, logos, and slogans can form a unique identity that captures the audience’s attention. They also create an emotional impression in the mind of the consumers. As such, a unified brand is an opportunity for growth.

Think of an established brand like Nike. Because it is always in the heart and minds of its loyal customers, Nike can introduce innovative product offerings. Advocates will be very much willing to try these new products. They will also share their good experiences with the brand.



LinkedIn recently publish a 25-page guide to effective branding. It provides a range of notes and tips about the 5 key ingredients of a unified brand. Here are they:


Availability means being always on to answer your audiences’ queries. Even though you got a bold and novel creative, you need to make sure that your LinkedIn audiences interact with your brand. Being always on means consistently posting a brand messaging to make it more memorable. Remember, lack of exposure equates to memory corrosion. A good example of availability in a unified brand is that of McDonald’s. Even though their gold arches are bold and iconic in the US, they move their advertising taglines everywhere. As they say, McDonald’s has over 99 billion served.

Bold Ideas

An unexpected creative can be very memorable. If you find a way to break the noise on LinkedIn with bold ideas, there is a higher chance to succeed in unified branding. An iconic brand logo, a distinct slogan, or a unique color scheme can weave a unified brand’s DNA. A great example is Coca-Cola. When you think about soda, you typically think about Coke. It is because the brand successfully tells candid, direct, and illustrative stories.


The consistency of posting on LinkedIn is very different from other social media platforms. LinkedIn experts recommend posting once a day from Monday to Friday. It can boost followings 6x than brands and businesses that post more often.

Content Balance

LinkedIn audiences are typically exposed to different brand messages. But they only respond to those that are not annoying and that is favorable to them. The best way to nurture them is to create a content balance. LinkedIn audiences do not want to be too salesy. Besides, reports found that 61% are more likely to convert when exposed to both paid and unpaid content.

Emotional Appeal

LinkedIn is the most effective lead generation platform for B2Bs. But it is no different from other buying processes. A unified brand appeals to its customers and prospects emotionally. It may be challenging to do so, but you can take an example from other successful brands. Nike, for one, explored how athletes can overcome hardship in its Just Do It campaign. The brand has successfully connected the campaign’s story with its audiences.

Reference: https://www.linkedin.com/business/marketing/blog/brand/key-ingredients-in-a-unified-brand

Rules on Twitter Videos

Twitter Videos

In 2020, online video consumption increased by 96%. Today, an average person is predicted to watch the video for around 100 minutes daily. For a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong, this means that video is an irreplaceable part of digital marketing. Among the top social media platforms, Twitter is the least utilized network for sharing videos, according to a video marketing agency Hong Kong. Since videos are relatively new on Twitter, a social media agency Hong Kong suggests that brands and businesses should jump on such a strategy. Below, we have listed some rules on Twitter videos.


Twitter videos are clips that can be uploaded in 2 ways. Under a Twitter account, tap on the camera icon to record a clip. It gives the user an option to add a tweet copy and location. Afterward, the user can post the video either by adding it as a separate tweet or under a recent thread. A user can also upload a saved clip via the tweet icon. Tap the camera icon and upload the saved video on a device. A user can edit it via a drag & trim option. Then, tap trim and tweet to post it on the timeline.


Today, videos are the best ways to reach social media audiences. On Twitter, Twitter videos drive more engagements than other tweet formats. They get 2.5 times more replies and 2.8 times more retweets. They are also favorited 1.9 times more than other types of tweet formats. More than 82% of the Twitter nation watch video content within the platform.

Most brands and businesses use Twitter videos in unique ways. They use it to bring joy to the customers during holidays. To allow a deeper connection, Twitter videos can be a way to say thank you or show appreciation. They can also be a means to educate people or update them with the latest news, products, and services.


Considering how big Twitter is, it is surprising that Twitter videos are bounded by limitations. Unlike Facebook and Instagram, creating visually-rich video tweets can quite be a challenge. Here are some rules for Twitter videos.  


Twitter video automatically loops depending on the account settings. Videos will not auto-play on accounts under the data saver mode. Twitter videos auto-play for up to 60 seconds only.

Character Counts

A Twitter video does not count as characters on a tweet. So, users only need to worry about character limits for the text tweet attached to it. The key is to choose words carefully when describing and tagging.

Video Descriptions

Users cannot add descriptions and tags to the uploaded videos themselves. Yet, do not underestimate the power of the tweet attached to the video. With a 280-character limit, you can describe the content in concise and simple words plus tag important names there.

Video File Size

The maximum file size allowed for Twitter videos is 512 MB. Users trying to upload video files larger than the limit will receive a prompt to trim it either on the app or video source.

Video Formats Supported

Twitter videos support MOV and MP4 video file formats. If a user is uploading a Twitter video on the web, the MP$ needs to be in H264 format with AAC audio, the most common format for distributing and recording video content online. As a pro-tip, there is a way to bypass MP4 limitations on the web. Using Buffer, FileZigZag, or Online-Convert can be one of your best bets.

Video Length Limit

Twitter’s video length limit is up to 2 minutes and 20 seconds. Twitter will prompt users to trim any video files longer than the said limit as part of the upload process. So, if you have a load of footage to share, the key is to upload them in smaller snippets via a Twitter thread.

Video Resolutions

Users can upload a Twitter video with a resolution from 32 by 32 pixels to 1920 by 1200 pixels. The bitrate should not be more than 25 Mbps. The frame rate should not be more than 40 fps.  

Reference: https://www.makeuseof.com/rules-uploading-videos-to-twitter/

SEO Versus Social Media

SEO Versus Social Media

SEO and social media are two of the most popular elements of digital marketing. A digital marketing speaker Hong Kong notes that both elements should be a significant part of a digital marketing strategy. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. That is why today, we will give some insights into SEO versus social media.


SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is a strategy of improving the visibility of a site to people searching for brands, products, and services. It focuses on getting discovered through searches to attract customers and sustain the business. Even a video marketing agency Hong Kong aims to rank on SEO. Any format or type of content today can rank on search engines.

Google is the largest global search engine. Other popular search engines are AOL, Ask.com, Baidu, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Excite, and Yahoo. These search engines use bots to crawl on web pages. As they crawl, they collect information about each webpage and index them from site to site. Through hundreds of ranking factors and signals for each search engine, the web pages are ranked according to keyword searches. The most essential element of organic ranking is relevancy and user experience.


A social media agency Hong Kong defines social media as Internet networks that facilitate the sharing f ideas, information, and thoughts. The most popular social media sites are Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Like SEO, social media visibility is very important in digital marketing. With more than half of the global population having a social media account, they can help brands and businesses boost discovery and sales.

Social media visibility can be achieved through 7 building blocks. These are brand identity, content sharing, conversations, presence, relationships, reputation, and social media groups. The first functional block is building brand identity. The brand or business should complete and update the information on their social media pages including the company name, address, category, and contact details. They should consistently post and share relevant content. Consistent communication with their followers can also build an online presence. To build relationships and reputation, they should continuously nurture posting on social media groups. Just like SEO algorithms, social media uses artificial intelligence (AI) to rank posts based on these 7 building blocks.


Audience Targeting

SEO targets audiences based on what they are thinking. Social media target people on who they are. Their insights were mostly based on a user’s online behaviors.

Conversion Likelihood

Most Google searchers are ready to make a purchase. They search to get solutions to their pain points. These searches will yield possible solutions, largely influencing the buying decision. On the other side, social media users are not so keen on buying products and services. But they are more likely to share or spread the content.

Effort and Durability

SEO high ranking endures months and weeks. Once a brand or business ranks on top, it can be a passive source of visitors for several days. Social media ranking lasts within minutes. To have a better ranking, social media needs continuous posting.


The average content format that ranks on Google is long-form content. These are content containing 1500+++ words.  Visuals perform best on social media. They generate 53% more engagement than non-visual content.


List building, outreach, and pitching are interdependent SEO factors. While Comments, followers, profiles, and shares are interdependent social media factors.


In SEO, traffic and visibility are the easiest to report while engagement is hard to measure. Social media engagements are highly visible but traffic is difficult to report.


The speed of SEO ranking is slow and uncertain. It may take days for relevant pages to be indexed and ranked. Social media content can be posted instantly and can go viral within minutes.


SEO features researched-based content for different topics. Answers to common questions and detailed how-to articles often rank best. Social Media content stirs emotional responses. They tend to appeal more to user emotions rather than intelligence.

Upper limits

Traffic on SEO searches is limited to the number of searchers for the day. The social media traffic is virtually unlimited. They can drive a huge amount of attention one can never expect.

Reference: https://blog.red-website-design.co.uk/2022/03/18/seo-vs-social-media/

Steps to a Successful Social Media Strategy

Steps to a Successful Social Media Strategy

Social media is a vital part of digital marketing. According to a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong, there are around 3.96 billion social media users in the world today. So, without a doubt, a social media agency Hong Kong highlights that all brands and businesses should have social media accounts and pages.

Even a video marketing agency Hong Kong highlights the importance of a social media strategy to boost online visibility. As more people access information and news on their social media profiles, more brands and businesses have the chance to promote their products and services. To further help marketers with an effective campaign, here are some steps to a successful social media strategy.

Build a Winning Social Media Team

A successful social media strategy is not just a single effort. Rather, it is a team collaboration. So, the first step every brand or business should do is to put together a winning social media team. This will include customer service support, content creators, graphic designers, sales support, and social media marketers.

Decide on Your Goals and Objectives

After your form a winning social media team, the next step is to determine the goals and objectives of a brand or business. The team should set attainable, measurable, and specific key performance indicators (KPIs). They are very important in determining the success of your social media strategy.

Decide on the Persona of Your Target Audience

Your social media team also needs to decide the persona of your target audience. It forms the right prospects where you will show your social media content. A target audience persona will most likely buy the offering of a brand or business. It is because they either desire or need these products and services. To better understand the persona of a target audience, a social media team should put data together about their buying behaviors, online activities, and social media engagements.

Evaluate the Competition

Another step to a successful social media strategy is to look and listen. Assess your own social media performances and compare them with your closest competitors. It will help you see what works and what does not work. They can serve as a guide to better social media strategy.

Setup a Content Plan for Each Social Media Platform

Setting up a content plan for each social media platform means choosing a network first. General branding and startups should consider reaching a large number of Facebook users. Most millennial brands can seek success on Instagram. Twitter is a good platform for limited promotions and product launches. YouTube is the best platform for gaming and sports brand.

Each social media platform is unique. The key is to be creative in catching the audiences’ attention. First, research the optimal dates and times for social media posting. Do this for every social media platform you intend to strategize. Then, create a content calendar to schedule your posting ahead of time. Vary your content formats, and do not forget to use call-to-actions (CTAs) to boost awareness, engagement, and sales.

Track Your Social Media Performances

A successful social media strategy is a continuous process. Engage, monitor, analyze and repeat your social media performances. Track your KPIs and see what is doing good or not. As you track the KPIs, do not forget to engage with your audience. Thank your followers for any commendation. Treat feedback as an opportunity for improvement. In the end, tracking your social media performances shows your return on investment (ROI).

Reference: https://blog.red-website-design.co.uk/2022/02/28/social-media-for-dummies/