A majority of brands and businesses used social media today. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. have been the main components of digital marketing. According to a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift to online shopping. Social media platforms are very ideal to build digital shops and communicating with prospects.

Thus, a social media agency Hong Kong highlights the importance of conducting a social media audit. It is a critical part for brands and businesses to develop a successful social media strategy. Just like accounting, it allows you to know what you have been doing right and what you need to correct.

Don’t be scared! A social media audit is not scary. Even a video marketing agency Hong Kong highly recommends performing one on your YouTube channel. It will help brands and businesses understand what is happening on their social media pages. Below, let us take a look at the simplest steps on how to conduct a social media audit!

What Is a Social Media Audit?

A social media audit is taking a look at everything on all your social media pages. It means taking a step back to analyze the past performances of your social media pages and posts. Just like a financial audit, a social media audit aims to look for irregularities in your social media channels. During the process, you will need to look at the strengths and weaknesses in your branding. Break it down into smaller chunks to create hypotheses in improving your strategies.

Benefits of a Social media Audit

A social media audit can help you understand what is happening in each of your social media channels. It offers a range of benefits as follow:

  • Determine what’s working and what’s not on your social media pages and posts.
  • Determine whether impostor accounts are stealing your fans and followers.
  • Helps you update outdated profiles that you need to revive, repurpose, or shut down
  • Gives new opportunities to grow and engage your audience.

How to Conduct a Social Media Audit

Here is a one-page summary of how you can conduct a social media audit:

  • Check all of your social media profiles. See to it that all bios, profile images, and information are updated and in line with the company branding.
  • Keep a record of all your social media profiles in a spreadsheet together with their corresponding URLs. It can help you track them from time to time. It can also be a chance to deactivate the social media accounts that you no longer use. Review the list of people who have access to each profile and adjust permissions accordingly.
  • Monitor your social media analytics. See how your social media pages have grown through the years. Track metrics that matter to your goals to decide if you need to change your strategy or not.
  • Make sure to take note of your best-performing content. Understand what elements resonated with your audience. You can use them for future inspiration.
  • Revisit and update audience demographics and buyer’s persona as well. Keep an eye on the emerging platforms that your target audience may join. They can help you determine if your platform is still a good fit for them.
  • Social media audits also mean competitive analysis. Compare your audience size, content performance, and listening metrics with your competitors. They can give you valuable insights into what makes a specific content stand out.
  • Social media audits also mean tracking your paid ads and campaigns. Learn how much budget you spend on them and determine your return of investment for each.
  • Track all records of collaborations and relationships. Contextual information in your database can help you determine the best way to build relationships with influencers and partners.
  • Track how your customer metrics changed over time. It will help you determine if you may need extra manpower or bots to keep up with the growing customer demands.
  • Update your social media audit every 6 to 12 months.


The beginning of a new year is a perfect time to conduct a social media audit. Go ahead and do it on all your social media profiles today!

Reference: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/how-to-conduct-a-social-media-audit-infographic/617394/