Chatbot marketing has become one of the most popular ways to market products online. With the advent of social media, chatbots are also increasingly being used for advertising. Chatbot marketing is how to advertise products and services using a conversational bot (a program which carries chat conversations with users), through the use of artificial intelligence or a programmed system. Brands create such a software with a developer, and then connect it with various messaging services like Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Messenger, Instagram, etc. This gives them an interactive experience, where the user can interact with the company.

If you want your business to be successful in a highly competitive world, you need to find the right approach to make your presence known. A lot of marketers have gone down the traditional road and have adopted the traditional marketing tactics of brochures, TV commercials, newspapers, radio, etc. There are still some people who use the traditional way of marketing. Some of these people may be reluctant to go the next level, because they don’t want to invest their money into something they may not see much return on. It can be costly too, especially if you are doing it manually, which means that you will have to spend a lot of time looking for leads.

The use of chatbots is here to change all that, as it gives businesses the chance to explore new ways to attract prospects and customers. One of the biggest advantages of using chatbots is that you can get people to opt-in to your email list, so that you can build a list of potential customers, or subscribers.

The good thing about having a conversation bot is that it takes a lot of the burden off of the salespeople. If you are trying to sell something through a physical demonstration, chances are that you will have to tell the prospect about your product in detail. Now imagine yourself telling the prospect everything about your business, in details. Chances are that he will not remember some of the things that you have said. and may even ask you to repeat what you had said, which will only add to your workload and waste your time. In the chat, you do not have to tell the prospect all about your product.

Bots can also help you improve the speed at which you give answers to queries. You will have more time to reply to queries and answer questions, instead of having to stop and wait for a response from someone else. This is very important in any sales process.

Another great benefit of using chatbots is that you are able to interact with your customer as well. Even if you are away from the computer, you can still have a live conversation with the customer, which you can then reply to through your chatbot. This means that you get to know the customer and know what exactly their needs are. This will help you build a better relationship with him or her. With the help of ChatBot, you can even suggest solutions and options to problems and make the customer feel valued.